University Partner

Open Enrollment Training

Give participants the knowledge to effectively lead Lean Six Sigma projects within their organization by offering open enrollment Lean Six Sigma Courses.

eMRI provides open enrollment training in the classroom with our university partners throughout the United States.

This training is offered on a calendar-based set class schedule in which anyone can register. A typical class consists of approximately 15 people from 8-10 different industries. We have found that those who enroll:

  • do so in their own desire to learn a new skill for advancement;
  • are sent by their managers to learn new skills or to enhance existing skills;
  • are sent for new-hire training;
  • are sent to learn whether a specific continuous improvement methodology is right for their organization.

Our current academic partnership in which we offer open enrollment training includes:

Midlands Technical College

Examples of the Courses offered with our University Partner – Midlands Technical College

This seminar provides a general overview of both the structure of Lean Six Sigma programs and the structure of the Six Sigma project methodology. The seminar illustrates how Lean Six Sigma drives organizational improvements and how the Lean Six Sigma DMAIC methodology is employed by Six Sigma Black Belts and Green Belts to eliminate waste and improve processes. Participants learn the key issues that drive program and project success. Both manufacturing and transactional case studies are used to demonstrate effective Six Sigma project methodology.

Gain the knowledge to lead Lean Six Sigma teams through this intensive 10-day course. Focus is on providing a comprehensive understanding of how to use the Lean Six Sigma DMAIC project methodology to eliminate waste and implement data driven process improvements. Concepts are emphasized by the extensive use of workshops and exercises. Upon successful completion participants will be able to support Black Belts on project teams or lead Six Sigma projects that do not require Black Belt level tools. Green Belts have the option of undertaking a Six Sigma Project as part of their course work.

This workshop intensive seminar demonstrates how the Lean Six Sigma DMAIC process works and how it yields process improvements. Participants first receive a conceptual overview of Lean Six Sigma. The majority of the course is then spent in a series of workshops that illustrate key tools and methods used in Lean Six Sigma projects to eliminate waste and improve processes.

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